The Joys of Worship
Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:2-3
God’s Word makes it clear: we should offer our Creator the praise and
worship He deserves. Worship is not to be a one-day (Sunday) activity … praise and worship every day provides opportunities to put God where He belongs: at the center of your life.
Park Hill worship consists of children of God who volunteer their talent and time. There are instrumentalists, singers, sound booth techs and camera personnel.
Worship is personal. No one can worship God for you. It is an activity you must enter, yourself. We cannot make anyone worship. We cannot lead anyone in worship. We can point the way to Jesus… to model for others what it looks like to be totally in love with Jesus.
Tentative Worship Schedule
Christmas Carols
Here in Your Presence
Agnus Dei
Thank You, Lord
Advent Candle Lighting
Christmas Eve Communion
Just as music in the physical realm may strike a wavelength that shatters glass, so songful worship in the spiritual realm can shake Satan’s dominion, toppling principalities of hell and extending the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ!
Worship team participants are committed to a life of following Christ, serving Him and worshiping with us! They are considered as leadership within the church, the “Body of Christ.” Prior to participation, team members receive and sign a Guidelines for Leadership followed at Park Hill.
The worship leader provides a quarterly schedule of instrumentalists, singers, music specials, sound booth techs and camera personnel. Participants are highly encouraged to attend Wednesday night practice or Sunday morning rehearsal to lead Sunday morning service.
Every month there are four scheduled singers but the worship team is open to volunteers (that must attend one of the practices).